Doctor taking blood pressure of patient.

Esophageal Stent Placement

Also known as: Esophageal Manometry

At Providence, we believe in diagnosing and treating digestive conditions quickly and comfortably to provide relief as soon as possible. When it’s difficult to breathe or swallow because of tumors or growths in your throat, an esophageal stent might be an option.

Esophageal stent placement is performed when obstructions, such as esophageal cancer growths or tumors, block the airway and make it difficult to breathe or swallow.

Stents are tiny tubes placed in the esophagus to ease the pain and discomfort associated with breathing and/or swallowing.

Depending on whether your doctor chooses to use local or general anesthesia, you may have to avoid eating or drinking at least eight hours prior to the procedure. You should arrange to have someone drive you home after the procedure since you will be given medication that causes drowsiness.

The procedure is performed as part of an upper GI endoscopy. A numbing spray may be used to numb the back of your throat. Once your doctor locates the obstruction, the stent is placed in your esophagus around the affected area to push the walls open.

You can return to normal activities the day after the procedure.

Esophageal stent placement is considered a safe procedure. However, it does come with some risk of developing problems. These include pain or mild bleeding in the esophagus, heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux or GERD), movement of the stent, and tumor growth on the stent.

Talk with your doctor about your condition and particular risks.